December 21 of this year; on which day--New Age shamans and
survivalists and astrophysics buffs and crooks warn us--a perfect
galactic alignment will trigger doomsday events worldwide: End of
Times! Rapture!
What gives me the heebie-jeebies these days is the "trivialization and
cretinization of American politics"--to use The New YorKer Jon
Cassidy's phrase-- which is likely to give the world a faineant
Planetarch name of Mitt Romney, who itches to nuke Iran to smithereens
as a teaser for his presidency.
I won't be ranting today about Romney--though he's the opening by
which this rant is ushered in.
I could also have ranted about Ralph Nader, a wackjob who's still
suing Dems and other political groups for conspiring to keep him off
the ballot in several places in his doomed 2004 presidential bid!
(Where's the outrage of those Americans preaching lessons on democracy
to the Congolese?)...
Or about American cannibal soldiers in Afghanistan. (Well, American
soldiers didn't invent the ritual: African and First Nations' warriors
in the Americas and fierce cannibal fighters of South Pacific used
captured enemies for open pit barbecues.)
Or even about the fact that the political campaign has literally gone
to the dogs, as The Christian Science Monitor quips today. (George
Carlin would have queried the Monitor: "Where are those dogs? How many
are they?") If Mitt Romney had his dog Seamus strapped in a crate on
the roof of one of his cadillacs speeding Candada-bound on the
motorway; we're now being forced to conjure up the nauseous image of
Obama munching dog meat hamburgers as a kiddie growing up in
Indonesia. (Why Obama puts that detail of a deviant culinary custom in
his autobiography beats me!)
A complete cretinization indeed. But when THE planet's superpower is
so thoroughly cretinized, it's the rest of the world that will end up
bearing the brunt any time the giant idiot staggers about!
But I wanted to specifically rant on one of the strangest event of the
recent string of trivializations and cretinizations on the American
political scape: GOPers bashing of MSNBC Martin Bashir for demanding
that Mitt Romney stand by the stark tenet of his Mormon religion--or
any other religion for that matter--on TRUTH, as taught in the "Book
of Mormon." (Bashir caught Romney lying at least on 3 specific
occasions in the past few days; including one instance where the GOP
candidate claimed that Obama had said he'd keep unemployment under 8%
throughout his presidency.)
(The funniest thing about the whole hoo-haa is that one GOPer blogger
was furious that Bashir--a "Muslim," according to him--should be
quoting from Christian holy books. A cretin to boot! Bashir is
actually Christian. He wouldn't otherwise have been named Martin by
his Pakistani parents.)
With his typical British biting sarcasm--small wonder that watching
the video, I was reminded of the late Christospher Hitchens--Bashir
referred to the GOPer candidate as "Mitt the Mendacious."
Said Bashir: "It doesn't matter how many times he hears the truth,
Mitt Romney prefers to tell lies!"
"In Section 63, in verse 17 of the Doctrine and Covenants of the
Mormon Church we find this: 'All liars, and whosoever loveth and and
maketh a lie, and the whoremonger, and the sorcerer, shall have their
part in that lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the
second death'... And from the Book of Mormon to Nephi, Chapter 2,
Verse 34 we find this: 'Woe unto the liar, for he shall be thrust down
to hell.'
"Given what the Book of Mormon is clearly saying, Mr. Romney has but
two choices... He can either keep lying and potentially win the White
House, but bring eternal damnation upon himself or he can start
telling the truth. The question for him, I guess, is which is more
I saw something eerie looming behind the funny and impressive
rherotical exercise performed by Bashir: the fundamental lie,
artificiality, and fabrication at the root of all religions and
theologies. How would a sane and rational mind take seriously the crap
contained in the Book of Mormon or any other such mythologies?
Let me take this a step further then, for I'm always pissed when run
into pairs of Congolese Mormon missionaries in the streets of
Kinshasa--oh yeah, LSD has mega-temples in the Congolese capital! Do
these Congolese zombies really know what the Mormon sacred texts say
about the curse of black skin--not the watered-down revisionist
exegeses of the originals?
I'm not going to give an anthology of racist quotes scattered in the
Book of Mormon or LSD's other crazy texts. Two excerpts lifted from
the website of other nut jobs called Christian Defense, who go to
great lengths to denigrate Mormons in order to prove they are the ones
genuinely interfacing with God, would suffice here:
1) From the Book of Mormon:
"And the skins of the Lamanites were dark, according to the mark which
was set upon their fathers, which was a curse upon them because of
their transgression and their rebellion" (Alma 3:6)
2) From Bringham Young's Journal of Discourses:
"But let them apostatize, and they will become gray-haired, wrinkled,
and black, just like the Devil" (Vol. 5, p. 332).
In an ideal world, Romney's religion should most definitely NOT be out
of bound in a political campaign. And those Congolese joining LSD are
out of their mind!