Timeout for World Cup
According to Zapiro
Whereas, according to Zapiro, the conflict-ridden parts of this world have called a timeout on violence to enjoy the World Cup, the terrorist regime of Kigali thought it was an opportune moment to carry out the assassination of its enemy of state number 1.
Well, I’m not the least surprised by what transpired Saturday in Jozi. In fact, it’s eerily similar to the first attempt on the life of exiled former Interior Minister Seth Sendashonga in Nairobi in February 1996, when he “was lucky to have escaped with a gun wound.”
Then, two years later—on May 19, 1998—Seth Sendashonga was shot and killed alongside his driver in Nairobi:
“Sendashonga was travelling in a UN vehicle (his wife works with UNEP in Nairobi) when the assassins appeared in a Toyota Corolla. They sprayed him with bullets in a traffic jam, drove some 200 metres, abandoned the car and took off. Mission accomplished!”
At that time, the then Rwandan foreign minister Anastase Gasana claimed that his government wasn’t in the business of killing opposition members.
This time around, here’s what Louise Mushikiwabo, the current Rwandan foreign minister, said when asked about the involvement of Rwanda in the assassination attempt on Gen Faustin Kayumba Nyamwasa:
“The Rwandan government does not go around shooting innocent citizens ...The time when presidents and governments went around assassinating their citizens is over in Rwanda.”
Hmm… Isn’t it strange that Louise Mushikiwabo is now calling Gen Faustin Kayumba Nyamwasa an “innocent citizen” while the regime she’s representing accuses the shooting victim of thievery and terrorism?
In fact, Mushikiwabo was reacting to the following comment by Rosette Kayumba, the wife of Gen Nyamwasa: “He [Kagame] must be behind this, I don't have proof ... but we've been harassed for such a long time.”
Well, I believe Rosette Kayumba. But I’ll also advise her to tell her husband to write his will and to put his affairs in order, for the man is going to die within two years... tops! Kagame is a natural-born killer who doesn’t take lightly being crossed!
And the fact that Kagame would choose the truce of the World Cup to perpetrate his crime shows that the man is what Africans call a “sorcerer” or evil incarnate, an enemy of football and a killer of the joy of the vuvuzuelas! The man had killed rumba in eastern DRC for a while…
Why the United States keeps funding the terrorist regime of this sociopathic mass murderer is beyond any decency…
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