American Century (concept of futurist George Friedman).
Planetarch's Log...
The Empire strikes back at Julian Assange: trumped-up double rapes,
extradition to the US, life sentence without the possibility of parole
or more expendiently the American signature of Crime and Punishment:
Death Penalty (trumped-up charge of "terrorism": guilty as charged by
Sarah Palin)...
History tells us about the incredible reach of the Roman Empire (my
favorite books used to be the massive volumes of Gibbon's "Decline and
Fall of the Roman Empire"): once you were deemed an enemy of the
Republic, the geographical world suddenly contracted under your
feet--you couldn't find shelter or peace anywhere in the "civilized"
territories nor even in some "uncivilized" outskirts, however remote
and peripheral they happened to be relative to Rome--as the Empire
could still "strike back" at will, any time, anywhere...
And the reach of the American Planetarchy is a zillion times more
formidable than that of the Roman Empire and its nuisance capacity
infinite--what with from benign political and economic pressures on
foreign governments and organizations, to the drones that could blow
to smithereens entire communities... In that sense, the world has
shrunk to a tiny global village for Julian Assange...
But the Roman Empire didn't have the elastic territory of cyberspace
and thousands of dedicated cyber-guerrillas to reckon with: "PayBack
Operation." A planetary video game: bring six-packs, boys, and let's
enjoy the game!...
Rogue States--this paradox: the very states (or, in this case, the
Planetarchy and its powerful European satellites) that qualify others
as "rogue" are the planet's most rogue states.
These entities make up their own rules as they go along. They are
above morals as they are the ones who set up states' moral standards.
There is no "moral equivalence" with the rest of the world's nations.
Hence, China behaves "with no morals" in his penetration of Africa
(dixit Ambassador Johnny Carson, WikiLeaks cables)!
China behaves with no morals in Africa? What is lost in the diplomatic
translation here is the fact that Ambassador Carson, who utters this
silly remark (there are no countries with morals), is African-American
and a descendant of enslaved abducted Africans. Slavery, an immoral
system of political economy...
When it was morally convenient and economically sustainable for these
powerful rogue states to set up slavery, colonization or racial
discrimination as systems of government and political economy, these
states readily erected those systems of governance as norms.
And when it was politically expedient in the name of "national
security interests" to go around the world murdering expendable
"commies" of the likes of Patrice Lumumba and propping up in their
stead "compliant allies" of the ilk of Mobutu, they did so without so
much as a second thought or any consideration for the devastating
long-term consequences such ill-advised choices could have for
millions of innocent people. One could demonstrate, for example, that
the assassination of Lumumba for instance was the first in a series of
events that lead directly and logically to the 5 million victims of
Africa's World War and the current endemic of rapes in eastern
And when it suits the Planetarchy to go after a patron saint of the
First Amendment like Julian Assange, heavy artillery is brought out to
fire from the hip.
Julian Assange's materials are important in that they show
contemporaneous diplomatic choices being made. At the same time, they
show that those making those choices are big-time incompetent morons
wearing thick blinders! Hence the US embarrassment--all the more
stinging as it only took one low-level employee to have access to
millions of sensitive documents and to leak them! One sees the point
of the Aussie Foreign Minister: don't blame the beholder, blame the
person that moons! (Translated into Swahili proverb. This whole
WikiLeaks debacle shows the limits and the incompetence of the
Planetarchy incapable of securing the secrets it spawns).
I mean, who are the insensitive dupes, nitwits and assorted suckers
who wrote these lame WikiLeaks cables? Ambassador Johnny Carson among
Decades before the diplomatic gossips released by WikiLeaks there were
other more damning cables powerfully narrated by Madeleine G. Kalb in
her stunning book titled "Congo Cables: The Cold War in Africa--From
Eisenhower to Kennedy." A rereading of that book is in order today
against the backdrop of the WikiLeaks cables.
The obnoxious content of the WikiLeaks cables shows that state roguery
continues unabated...
There's also the issue of TRANSPARENCY as a yardstick of good
governance. It is the shibboleth repeated to weak governments of
Africa who in turn rehash it to donors in a unison singsong--an
article of faith of the global religion and the prerequisite of the
sacrament of development monies.
But powerful states don't actually care about transparency. That's why
they are the biggest manufacturers of secrets (and lies). That's why
they have massive listening posts. That's why they do control the
world with strong-arm "immoral" methods... That's why classification
has gone haywire. That's why they classify gossipy tidbits by moronic
diplomats. Just for the heck of it!... And because they can.
And that's why Julian Assange is their enemy number one as he
undauntingly turned the projectors of transparency in the wrong
Élisabeth Roudinesco, a French historian, in an article published by
"Libération," has accused Julian Assange of being a conspiracy theory
buff committed to the DICTATORSHIP OF TRANSPARENCY. (Gorbachev used to
decry the "dictatorship of transparency" of glasnot and perestroika;
look where Russia is today)... A terrible system where denizens would
be apprised of all state secrets. A dictatorship worse than the
dictatorship of the proletariat...
Well, Élisabeth Roudinesco need not worry. Julian Assange's
dictatorship of transparency is unfortunately doomed to be
short-lived. The Planetarchy and its satellites aren't going to get
caught with their pants down again. And transparency will be confined
to its natural precinct: the backwater of developing countries...
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