Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg and Simon Sæbø
18-year-old Sæbø, a Labor Party Youth Leader, is missing and feared was murdered
Here at the party convention in 2009
“Annihilation of the rising generation of Labor Party Leaders”
While the Norwegian police detectives are still baffled as they try to piece together the motive behind the bomb attack in Oslo and the senseless mass-murder at Utøya, the media appear to have found the real intellectual culprit (or culprits) whose theories might have aided and abetted the Christian-Mason jihadist of Oslo Anders Behring Breivik’s murderous rampage. Not a senseless act of a loner gone postal, it appears, but the calculated actions of a man who’d planned a commando attack to wipe out the rising generation of leaders of the Norwegian Labor Party, perceived as too immigrant-lenient.
It has since been emerged that the ramblings of Breivik in his 2083 European Declaration of Independence, posted on the internet shortly before he went on his killing spree, is nothing more than a cut-and-paste job of various stuff he’d found on line. However, on the practical side of the planning of the bombing in Oslo and the carnage at Utøya, Breivik spent an incredible amount of personal research on the internet. He logged for instance more than 200 hours on Google searching for strings related to “bomb” and “bomb making” materials, as well as ways to set up a bogus farm so that he could have access to tons of fertilizers.
Paul Foss, an expert of political philosophy at Østfold University College, describes Breivik’s manifesto as a simple “cut and paste job. He has copied and reproduced several [sections of materials verbatim]… Philosophically speaking, [Breivik] is a phony.”
Paul Foss also pointed at some “striking similarities” between Breivik’s text and the ramblings of Ted Kaczynski aka The Unabomber; but much of the lifting, including the title of Breivik’s manifesto, was done from Fjordman’s blog posts.
So the focus of the Norwegian press has now zeroed in on this anonymous Norwegian “European-nativist” archconservative who goes by the nom-de-plume Fjordman, a prolific blogger whose style and intellectual sophistication point to an academic background and a very solid familiarity with European political issues. Fjordman is so prominent that he has a Wikipedia page in English and Norwegian. A polymath and a polyglot (he writes in English, French, German, and Norwegian), Fjordam had various blogs where he posted long, well-crafted essays expounding his nativist (or “indigenous”) pan-European, anti-EU, anti-immigrants, anti-Multiculturalism, and anti-Muslim theories, as well as exposing alleged criminal activities throughout Europe by African and Muslim immigrants and youth gangs, and what he calls the “explosion of violent infidelophobia in Western Europe staged by Muslim immigrants.”
The problem in finding Fjordman is that he went “dormant” on his main blog on Blogger precisely on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 in a post titled “Goodbye and Merry Christmas from Fjordman.” Fjordman going so suddenly dormant has sparked the fear that this theorist of extreme-right anti-immigrant jihadism might now be functioning in the capacity of an elected official, thus mingling with the royal family, the authorities and grieving family members at the memorial service for the victims held at Oslo Cathedral on July 24.
According to his Wikipedia page, by May 2007, about 2 years after its shutdown, “the blog had more than one million hits.” But when I checked the counter at the bottom of the page on July 24, the dormant blog numbered 1,487,847 hits! Fjordman gives on his Blogger profile his location as being Trøndelag, dubbed by Norwegian tourist agencies “historic and friendly.” After going dormant, Fjordman has now and again appeared on the Brussels Journal, an extreme pan-European nativist archconservative libertarian platform created by Belgian Flemish journalist Paul Beliën (who also has his own Wikepedia page), and other right-wing blogs. Some have even claimed that Fjordman was behind the vote that banned the construction of mosques in Switzerland.
It was on the blog Brussels Journal that Fjordman first published his Declaration of European Independence, whose title, as I said, had been plagiarized by Breivik, in a post titled Native Revolt: A European Declaration of Independence (Friday, March 16, 2007). As of this writing, that single post of Fjordman has registered 63,655 reads.
DIRECT AFTERMATH OF OSLO BOMB BLAST CAPTURED BY CITIZEN ANDREAS HELGESEN“Here is what Thomas Jefferson wrote in the American Declaration of Independence from 1776:"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. [...] It is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."Europeans are currently subject to worse insults from our governments than the Americans were at that time, being persecuted in our own cities and subject to a government-supported program of gradual cultural eradication. We need a European Declaration of Independence, calling for our emancipation from the bureaucratic feudalism of Brussels and the totalitarian ideology of Multiculturalism. Allow me to write the first draft:A European Declaration of IndependenceWe, the citizens of the United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Ireland, Hungary, (fill in the blanks) demand that the following steps are taken immediately:We demand that our national governments should immediately and without delay pull their countries out of the European Union, which should be dismantled entirely. European citizens pay up to half of their salaries in direct or indirect taxes to their nation states. If these nations do not control their own borders nor their policies, and they don't as long as the EU exists, those taxes are a scam. National taxes require national borders. If our national borders are not enforced, we have no obligation whatsoever to pay national taxes.We demand that all documents regarding the Euro-Arab Dialogue and the creation of the Eurabian networks for "Euro-Mediterranean cooperation" between European countries and Arab countries since the 1970s, as documented by Bat Ye'or's work on Eurabia, are published and explained in their full significance to the general public. Those chiefly responsible for this - one of the greatest betrayals in the history of Western civilization - should stand trial, followed by a period of general de-Eurabification of our laws and regulations.We demand that all financial support to the Palestinian Authority should cease immediately. It is proven beyond any doubt that this has in the past been used to finance campaigns of Jihad terrorism against Jews in Israel and against Christians in territories under PA control. A public statement in support of Israel against Muslim aggression should be issued, and the money that has previously been awarded to Palestinians should be allocated partly to Israel's defense, partly to establish a Global Infidel Defense Fund with the stated goal of disseminating information about Muslim persecution of non-Muslims worldwide.We demand that the ideology of Multiculturalism should immediately be removed from all government policies and school curricula, and that the state should adopt a policy of supporting the continuation of the cultural heritage and traditions of the indigenous populations. Multiculturalism has never been about tolerance. It is an anti-Western hate ideology championed as an instrument for unilaterally dismantling European culture. As such, it is an evil ideology bent on an entire culture's eradication, and we, the peoples of Europe, have not just a right, but a duty to resist it and an obligation to pass on our heritage to future generations.We demand that all Muslim immigration in whatever form should be immediately and completely halted, and that our authorities take a long break from mass immigration in general until such a time when law and order has been reestablished in our major cities. We will not accept any accusations of "racism." Many European nations have for decades accepted more immigration into our countries in a shorter period of time than any other people has done peacefully in human history. We are sick and tired of feeling like strangers in our own lands, of being mugged, raped, stabbed, harassed and even killed by violent gangs of Muslim thugs, yet being accused of "racism and xenophobia" by our media and intimidated by our own authorities to accept even more such immigration.Europe is being targeted for deliberate colonization by Muslim states, and with coordinated efforts aimed at our Islamization and the elimination of our freedoms. We are being subject to a foreign invasion, and aiding and abetting a foreign invasion in any way constitutes treason. If non-Europeans have the right to resist colonization and desire self-determination then Europeans have that right, too. And we intend to exercise it.If these demands are not fully implemented, if the European Union isn't dismantled, Multiculturalism isn't rejected and Muslim immigration isn't stopped, we, the peoples of Europe, are left with no other choice than to conclude that our authorities have abandoned us, and that the taxes they collect are therefore unjust and that the laws that are passed without our consent are illegitimate. We will stop paying taxes and take the appropriate measures to protect our own security and ensure our national survival."
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