The electoral campaign unfolding in the DRC seems to be sliding from bizarre to outright uncanny. News reports allege today that Etienne Tshisekedi is stuck in Kindu, the provincial capital of Maniema. His only way to get back to Kinshasa would be to be given a seat on one of MONUSCO flights on humanitarian grounds.
Tshisekedi had chartered an 11-seat Grumman executive jet (including 3 crewmembers) from Allengiancia Air South Africa for 9 days. The time of the contract with the airline having run out, Allengiancia Air South Africa is alleged to have recalled its jet while Tshisekedi was campaigning in Kindu. As the campaign is on shoestring budget, the UDPS leader is rumored to be stuck in Kindu. Barring an intervention by his nemesis, Kabila, or by MONUSCO, no one knows how the Sphinx of Limete is going to get back at his Limete residence.
2) Pro-Kabila L’Avenir warns own camp to brace for massive post-electoral invalidations of elected MPs
In a strangely stinging editorial published today, pro-Kabila daily L’Avenir has warned its own camp to brace for post-electoral massive invalidations of elected MPs. What’s more, L’Avenir accuses CENI Chairman Rev Daniel Ngoy Mulunda of having “betrayed” (no one knows whom Mulunda is alleged to have betrayed, as the verb was cryptically left in the intransitive).
The editorial claims that a lot of pro-Kabila stalwarts are keeping their managerial jobs in government and in parastatals while running for office, in violation Article 36 of the Electoral Law, which specifically forbids such mutually incompatible activities and/or positions.
“All these irregularities have been noticed and condemned by church leaders, several national and international NGOs, among them the very credible Carter Center; but the runaway train of CENI dashes on without any care for its final destination.”
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