comments on the inadvisability of the presence of female warriors
(among male warriors) in frontline combat situations, Republican
presidential hopeful Rick Santorum "clarified" his statement by
telling NBC Today's host Ann Curry:
"The issue is … how men react to seeing women in harm's way or
potentially being injured or in a vulnerable position and not be
concerned about accomplishing the mission."
Well, two years ago Gen Yehudit Ben-Natan, Israeli female senior
officer and a "feminist warrior" for women's "right to fight,"
(rightly--pardon the alliteration!) rejected that male chauvinistic
chivalry in saying:
"The heart and soul of the army is in combat, and if we are in the
army we need to be at its heart. Let there be tanks with all-female
crews, and all-woman missile batteries, because we can do it and we
must stop allocating duties by gender."
(The quote comes from a June 2010 article of The Guardian. At the time
a hoo-haa had erupted in the Royal Navy over the wisdom of allowing
women to serve as submariners.)
The point being: as the right to fight or (alternatively?) the freedom
(?) to get slain or the choice (?) for killing fellow human beings on
such tenuous grounds as patriotism has always been recognized (with
sexist impunity) to male citizens, I don't see on what reasonable
grounds it should be denied (homicidal and suicidal?) women!
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