Higher Education Minister Léonard Mashako Mamba who, according to
reliable sources at Kinshasa Univerity, just days before resigning his
ministerial post after his election to parliament, stuffed the already
plethoric personnel of universities and colleges with the whopping
number of 800 new administrative hires.
There are now calls issuing from the opposition and from at least one
Kinshasa daily paper for an audit across the board of the passel of
ministers who've just resigned. Those making these calls claim that
there's ample evidence that the outgoing ministers and their
associates carried out systematic pillages of state property and
monies before vacating their ministries.
It now appears that the audit should extend to the outgoing parliament
as well, where Acting Speaker Timothée Kisi Kombo has now suddenly
turned into a repo man! As a matter-of-fact, the Acting Speaker has
issued this Friday a scathing communique demanding that those still
keeping in their possession vehicles or other properties belonging to
the National Assembly return them two days hence; failing that, the
Parliament will forcibly repossess them!
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