(PHOTO: This photo was attached to the Right-of-Reply email Rev. Paul Moka sent to me today. According to Rev. Moka, center, the two gentlemen flanking him are leaders of the Ghanian Parliament he posed with shortly after allegedly meeting with former Prez John Kufuor in Accra in 2010)
(The rant below is the Right of Reply penned by Rev. Paul Moka in reaction to an earlier post on this blog that implicated him in a swindle in progress, as reported to me by Belgian whistleblower Yves De Moor. I kept unedited the entirety of the right of reply, including Rev. Moka's "idiolect" and language idiosyncrasies. My comments, kept to a bare minimum, are between brackets)
Subject: Droit de réponse [Right of Reply]: same page and visibility (by press laws)
Dear Mr. Engwete,
Concerning your article:
Concerning your article [of Wednesday, July 24, 2013 titled] "Whistleblower Yves De Moor to me: Jean-Paul Moka is a crook about to swindle the DRC out of $1m" [http://alexengwete.blogspot.com/2013/07/whistleblower-yves-de-moor-to-me-jean.html?m=1]
In fact, this is based on actual expenses made on behalf of the DRC government by my company and the DRC government has a finance ministry department and subsequent treasury specialists well versed in this type of exercise.
Therefore let me question the assertion "Jean-Paul Moka is a crook". It actually should be asked to Mr. Yves de Moor why he's blacklisted in his native country as a "Bankrupted businessman".
Should this be the case, as I claim and confirm to you, who should be categorized as a "crook"?
Your article starts with this false affirmation and goes on to build on it. If the foundation of your article is false you should therefore ask the person ( Yves de Moor), who misguided you to repair the reputation of your blog and consequently your tainted talent as a " a specialist blogger on congolese politics".
I do confirm my full curriculum and should also mention that my school years both at St Andrews University:1987-88 (St regulus hall resident: Scotland) and Harvard:1988-89 (JFK School of government: Cambridge, Mass USA) were one of the most thrilling years of my young life and were printed by some of the most exciting initiatives I took as a young leader. Please read below:http://www.thecrimson.com/article.aspx?ref=91991
[This link to The Crimson is broken]
As far as Xinhua publications are concerned, as in relation to my co-mediation with president John Kufuor of Ghana. Be informed that I met and maintain excellent relationship with president John Kufuor whom I met the first time in his private residence in Accra in November 2010 (long video on this historic meeting available) and many ghanean leaders can also confirm this (please see attached my pictures [there's only one picture] with the ghanean leader of the parliament in Accra, just after my meeting with president John Kufuor).
Be also informed that Xinhua is the official chinese governmental press and is professionally and highly controlled. All press articles related to this mediation are issued by their HQ in Brussels and Kinshasa has never been involved.
Consequently, one should question your sources and express very serious doubt about their credibility, in particular when comparing a super power (china) press release to a "free lancer blog"...
Concerning Belga, as you well know, it is the official belgian press and they too are very credible and professional sources, in particular when talking about the ex colony, DRCongo.
They extensively covered my challenge against [National Electoral Commission Chair] appolinaire [Apollinaire] Malu Malu, as also did the local congolese press.
Two candidates were selected, after a very laborious and long selection process and one person won against the will of his hierarchy. End of story. Please avoid minimising people's lives, credibility based on long struggles and sacrifices.
Now that there is a reconciliation between me and my brother in law, president elect Joseph Kabila Kabange, I would not wish to dig into the dirt of the past but behave like a responsible leader focusing my energies on the future and real peace amongst the congolese people. I continue to also maintain excellent relationship with the opposition who largely backed my candidacy for the CENI presidency.
As far as the Zurich summit is concered, as its chairman and CEO, let me inform you that a joint account with 3 signatures exist and all payments or fees will be managed in total transparency for its staff and leaders.
Finally and not least, my Marshall plan for the DRC now called the Moka plan, started in Kinshasa in 2001 and was also presently to prime minister Tony Blair in November 2001. Yves de Moor volunteered to join my presidential campaign team in 2011 (10 years later) and contributed like many people to it. He's never been and will never be the owner or creator of a Marshall plan for my country since all materials of my campaign belong to me.
Please be professional and publish my response with the same visibility.
Rev. Jean-Paul Moka
Copy [to]:
1. Xinhua HQ Brussels
2. Belga, Editor
3. National Assembly: political advisor to congolese national assembly
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