1) When blogging draws blood: Serial Neo-Nazi blogger Fjordman ID’ed as Peder Nøstvold Jensen
Peder Nøstvold Jensen aka Fjordman
“Islam, and all those who practice it, must be totally and physically removed from the entire Western world.”
Photo: Magnar Kirkness/VG
The hunt for Fjordman, the prolific hatemonger quoted 111 times by Christian jihadist Anders Breivik in his Manifesto, is now over. It ended this past Thursday, when the infamous serial neo-Nazi blogger, feeling the intensifying manhunt, turned himself in to the Norwegian Police Security Service (PST) in Oslo. It turns out that Fjordman is 36-year-old Peder Nøstvold Jensen, originally from the coastal city of Ålesund, who works at a daycare center in Oslo.
The fact that Fjordman works at a daycare center strikes me as odd and very disturbing. Either he wanted to stamp the mark of the beast inhabiting him upon the impressionable minds of kids or he’s a pedophile yet to be identified as such by law enforcement—like those pedophiles that used to choose priesthood in order to prey unfettered on kids! For nothing in Fjordman’s impressive CV predisposes this prolific writer to work around kids in early education setting: master’s degree in culture and technology from the University of Oslo; Advanced Arabic degree from the University of Bergen and the American University in Cairo (his master's degree dissertation was about censorship and blogging in Iran; and he’s just completed a 415-page hate book due to come out next year). Nowhere in that CV do you find any courses on Developmental Psychology or Child Psychology or Education. If anything, now that he’s resolved to go into hiding, maybe those daycare center kids would be spared impending molestations… Well, the Norwegian police have since seized his laptop and electronics, and we’ll see whether they won’t find any kid porn in the hard disks…
Fjordman, who’s now being considered a “witness” by PST (which means that he could be charged if any incriminating evidence emerges directly linking him to the terror plot), in a post published at the congregation of European and American hatemongers of the blog Gates of Vienna, describes the police raid at his apartment as persecution—without once mentioning he'd first hidden his laptop from the police at a storage facility:
“To my total surprise I had to go to my flat, where for several hours half a dozen police officers went through all of my DVDs, searched through my old printed travel photographs from years back, searched through all of my (many) books, checked my kitchen equipment, went through all of my clothes, and confiscated a suitcase that contained nothing more than clothes and some books. They also confiscated several digital devices, including my camera and my laptop. It is quite clear that they wanted information about non-violent Islam-critical networks in Europe that they suspected might be contained in my PC, even though they denied this to me.”
This mentally perturbed individual should be placed in protective custody, since the Christian Jihadist from Oslo had sent him what he calls “a handful of emails” to which he claims not to have replied, especially in light of the encrypted codes and GPS coordinates found embedded in Breivik’s Manifesto; which might point to a wider pan-European far-Rights conspiracy (see below).
Fjordman claims that he’d never advocated violence in his essays nor is he a neo-Nazi. But Norwegian media, who’ve undertaken a massive “archeology” of his essays, have found therein stuff that say otherwise, including this jewel reminiscent of the principles of “Lebensraum” and “Final Solution” so brilliantly theorized by Alfred Rosenberg (qua Fjordman) and implemented by Heinrich Himmler (qua Anders Behring Breivik):
“I started out writing about Islam, and I still stand by every statement I have ever made about Islam and Muslims. Yes, the Islamic creed by itself is inherently violent. No, it cannot be reformed, and Islam in any way, shape or form does not belong in the West. Islam, and all those who practice it, must be totally and physically removed from the entire Western world.”
Ideally, for those of us that don’t care about religions, Christian and Muslim Jihadists might as well slaughter one another over their unhinged creeds as they see fit. But it turns out that we don’t live in an ideal world. In the real world, there are collateral damages, as illustrated by September 11 and the July 22 Götterdämmerung at Utøya. What’s more, what fiends of the ilk of Fjordman and his disciple Anders Behring Breivik want to exterminate aren’t just Muslims, but all those who don’t think like them or look different from them: tolerant Western “multiculturalist” politicians, kids at a summer camp at Utøya, people dressed in Middle-eastern or African garbs, people with different skin hues—and their list is a work-in-progress: the physically and mentally handicapped would easily be pegged in somewhere, just as their mentors practiced satanic eugenics in Germany and in death camps…
These nitwits forget that today’s global world is a porous liminal space of “double crossings” of borders; where some us who’ve come from the “global shadows” of “law and disorder” of the postcolony come to intermingle in these “territories of differences.”
And there’s no turning back, no matter how hard those hatemongers want to transmogriphy the postmodern geography into “dark territories.” No matter how seemingly “cool” their flag bearers appear to be, like Swedish singer Saga, whose 12 “poisonous lyrics” were discussed at great length and given the name of “motivational music” in the Manifesto of Christian Jihadist from Oslo. Breivik also said in his Manifesto that during the planning stage of his "martyrdom" he looped Saga’s songs on his iPod and stereo system.
Saga is featured below giving the Hitlerian “Sieg Heil” salute at an Aryan Supremacy Festival that took place this past week in the village of Veroce, Hungary, where thousands of racists (including British BNP leader Chris Hurst) congregated to give free reign to their searing hate. And guess who their hero was: Anders Behring Breivik!
At Veroce, Hungary
August 4, 2011
The one funny irony I find in the writings of these emulators of Alfred Rosenberg is what they call the “colonization” of “white Europe” by “non-Whites.” Well, outworld places in Africa, Asia, and the Americas were also refractory to colonization. But they couldn’t stop the arrow of history. And here we are today. Do these crazy imbeciles (pardon the tautology!) truly believe that after going all over the world pillaging and colonizing, the west would just return satiated and unscathed on its own impregnable shores? In the words of Malcolm X, the chickens have come to roost. Or, as Rage Against the Machine has it:
“It's comin' back around again!This is for the people of the sun!It's comin' back around again! Uh!”
Modupe Ellen Awoyemi, 15
African-Norwegian kid
Murdered at Utøya by Christian Jihadist Anders Behring Breivik on July 22
Family Photo
Family Photo
2) 46 Embedded GPS Coordinates found in Manifesto of Christian Jihadist from Oslo
Some of Breivik's Coordinates
At first, the police thought Breivik’s 1,500-page Manifesto, sent to more than a thousand email accounts, was nothing more than a rambling and sloppy copy-and-paste job of a “warped” individual who had also plagiarized the Unabomber.
But then it hit Rolf Frøysa, technical director of DataGuard, and other programmers who’ve examined the Manifesto, that the document contained “potentially frightening information”: “encrypted codes and map coordinates for locations in several places in Europe and in Norway.”
Frøysa and the others discovered that Christian Jihadist Breivik had interspersed embedded codes and 46 GPS coordinates of precise locations in Europe—2 of which in Norway itself—in the guise of “http://” fake addresses.
“Curiosity led me to one [set] of the codes,” says Frøysa, “[Then plotting the coordinates,] I ended up at Central Station in London.”
He said that had those coordinates been random, they’d have plotted locations in, say, Namibia, or the North Pole.
Frighteningly, European police agencies as well as the FBI, which is helping out Norwegian Police Security Service (PST), now take the Jihadist very seriously and believe that not only has he been physically at every single of those locations on his encrypted map but the world might only be seeing in Breivik the tip of a worldwide terror franchise as dangerous as its Al-Qaeda counterpart.
Frøysa and others have set up a website, complete with a wiki and a mailing list, where computer scientists and hackers worldwide are invited to pore over Breivik’s codes and carry out in-depth forensics of the document. But they also caution contributors that, “With many minds working the problem, there is a possibility of breakthroughs in understanding what the codes are all about. It might be prudent not to reveal an obvious solution or profound insights to the public immediately for various reasons such as security. In light of this we have established an email address to contact our group in private.” The website contains all the coordinates of the locations (as well as their names) and other encrypted codes, including the full text of the Manifesto. The website is here.
FBI Agents
HQ of Police Security Service (PST)
Oslo, Norway
Oslo, Norway
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